Tag Archives: allergy

DIY Food Sensitivity and Allergy Testing: Coco Pulse Test and Kinesiology

DIY Food Sensitivity and Allergy Testing: Coco Pulse Test and Kinesiology

The Coca Pulse Test is a simple measurement you can do at home to know which foods strengthen you and which ones make you sick. You’ll find the steps below. I offer this method because it is scientifically sound. However, a faster technique–and the one I personally rely on–is muscle testing or kinesiology. Many chiropractors… Continue Reading

Why It’s Hard to Go Gluten and Dairy Free

Science now explains why going GFDF is so hard. We’ll look at that, and then the encouraging news: If you tried going without but backslid, you still have made inroads in realizing your GFDF goals. But first take a few seconds and imagine feeling utterly content. You’ve nary a suggestion of pain or suffering. You’re… Continue Reading

Cranberries–A Potent Kitchen Medicine

See The small, dry and intensely tart cranberry is second only to its cousin the blueberry in disease-fighting antioxidants. The remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of cranberries make them an excellent kitchen remedy for arthritic pain and infection. They quell damp conditions and so can help resolve overweight, organ prolapse, food sensitivities, varicose veins, edema, candida-type yeast… Continue Reading

Gluten Free but Still Not Feeling Your Best?

Three Steps to Identify Food Allergies If you have cut gluten from your diet but still have health complaints, then I have important news for you. Here are three likely reasons that you are still suffering from the various symptoms that eating gluten-containing foods can trigger. 1. For 100% results you must give up gluten 100%. The… Continue Reading

Thai-Style Turkey Meatball Noodle Soup

Taken from The Whole Bowl, by Rebecca Wood and Leda Scheintaub Most traditional meatball recipes contain both wheat, in the form of breadcrumbs, and dairy, often Parmesan cheese. I’m happy to report that neither is essential to a great meatball: They aren’t needed to hold the meatballs together, and without them there are no fillers… Continue Reading

Carrot Soup with Garlic Chips

As yummy tasting as it looks, this recipe is free of both gluten and dairy. Here’s the secret for transforming this great everyday carrot classic into a dairy free dish: blend a small amount of white rice with the soup. This provides the thickness and creaminess we’re after in a cream-based soup (a clever trick to employ… Continue Reading

Bust Bad Food Habits

If you’re ready to tackle your bad food habits, there’s relief at hand. It’s free and takes just a split second. Here’s the assignment: Next time you are reaching for the chips (or chocolate, or pizza, or whatever) imagine taking a snapshot. End of assignment. Put a lot of detail into your mental photo: the… Continue Reading

ADHD (ADD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

If you feel unsteady on a stairway, you grab the banister to steady yourself. Likewise, if your child’s (or your) brain chemistry is off-kilter with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), favoring healthy foods supports equilibrium. ADHD describes individuals who have trouble with concentration, impulse control and, in some cases, hyperactivity. They find that eating a… Continue Reading

Foods that Reduce Inflammation

Inflamed tissues signal trouble and are a marker for pain and illness. Below is a listing of the top anti-inflammatory foods, along with common sense help to avoid chronic inflammation. But first, to better understand why some foods increase inflammation, let’s examine the nature of inflammation. Recall having a little scratch that became pink and… Continue Reading

Hay Fever Free

It’s hay fever season and how many times have you moaned (and sneezed) about that darn pollen! So why is it that your swollen eyelids and other allergic responses get worse every year but the amount of pollen remains constant? While pollen may be the trigger, it’s taking the bum rap for the underlying issue… Continue Reading

What’s Wrong with Dairy

If you bloat easily, have weight, skin, autoimmune or digestive problems the odds are that diary is a culprit. Perhaps you’ve noticed that you do ok with some dairy products but not all. Furthermore, sometimes a bowl of ice cream doesn’t cause problems but another time it does. How confusing! Here’s a guide to help you… Continue Reading

Tasty Wheat Alternatives

Accompanying recipe: Buckwheat Crepes If you are among the fast growing population that is allergic to gluten, don’t despair. Here’s how to enjoy bread, pasta and cookies…albeit, wheat-free. First, identify any problematic foods that trigger your reactions and then avoid eating them while your digestive system repairs. Wheat and dairy are the most common allergens.… Continue Reading

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and colitis are major problems. Here’s why. Imagine a small scrape or irritation on your forearm. Normally, it mends by itself. However, if further insulted and unattended, it may become inflamed. If the inflammation spreads it may degenerate to a life-threatening situation. The lining of a healthy bowel… Continue Reading

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