Tag Archives: bloating

Gluten Free but Still Not Feeling Your Best?

Three Steps to Identify Food Allergies If you have cut gluten from your diet but still have health complaints, then I have important news for you. Here are three likely reasons that you are still suffering from the various symptoms that eating gluten-containing foods can trigger. 1. For 100% results you must give up gluten 100%. The… Continue Reading


Here are natural remedies to help you glide through menopause. The strategies I discuss below can help shift uncomfortable hot flashes toward mild and enjoyable ripples of energy. As a woman’s ovaries retire from active production around the age of 50, her body’s hormone production adjusts. Just as puberty signaled an increase in estrogen hormones,… Continue Reading

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, diverticulitis and colitis are major problems. Here’s why. Imagine a small scrape or irritation on your forearm. Normally, it mends by itself. However, if further insulted and unattended, it may become inflamed. If the inflammation spreads it may degenerate to a life-threatening situation. The lining of a healthy bowel… Continue Reading

Could You be Gluten Sensitive?

If you think you might be sensitive to gluten, it’s important to find out for sure. Here’s why. Early identification and repair give you better odds that you can again enjoy wheat in good health. Lingering in the murky realm of “maybe I do or maybe I don’t” and having another piece of toast is… Continue Reading

Pot Liquor

For the sheer fun of it, please join me for a toast. Let’s pull out the pot liquor (or pot likker), chink-chink our glasses and aspire that all beings might be well nourished. Even teetotalers can freely and joyfully imbibe this liquor. It’s the sweet and nutrient dense liquid that remains in the pot after… Continue Reading

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