Tag Archives: Cooking Secrets

Chicken Broth

Here’s an easy recipe for chicken broth that’s high in minerals, collagen and glycine. To read about its astounding health benefits see: Bone Stock. Enjoy it straight as an energy tonic or add it to soups, stews and sauces. The longer you cook the bones, the more minerals are extracted; however, excessive cooking and/or high heat… Continue Reading

How to Cook without a Recipe

Recently while cooking a community meal, my friend Lynne was excited to prepare a favorite broccoli dish. But as we didn’t have one of the ingredients on hand, toasted sesame oil, Lynne lost confidence in her ability to prepare the broccoli. I suggested various alternative seasonings, but as she couldn’t imagine how they would taste,… Continue Reading

The Steamed Veggie Hype

Sure, steaming is a healthy, quick and easy cooking method. But if you bought the line that “steamed veggies are most healthful” I’ve got some lovely news for you: To heighten dining pleasure as well as the medicinal and energetic properties of foods, using diverse cooking techniques is best. Here are two reasons why. Vive… Continue Reading

Gluten Free but Still Not Feeling Your Best?

Three Steps to Identify Food Allergies If you have cut gluten from your diet but still have health complaints, then I have important news for you. Here are three likely reasons that you are still suffering from the various symptoms that eating gluten-containing foods can trigger. 1. For 100% results you must give up gluten 100%. The… Continue Reading

Thai-Style Turkey Meatball Noodle Soup

Taken from The Whole Bowl, by Rebecca Wood and Leda Scheintaub Most traditional meatball recipes contain both wheat, in the form of breadcrumbs, and dairy, often Parmesan cheese. I’m happy to report that neither is essential to a great meatball: They aren’t needed to hold the meatballs together, and without them there are no fillers… Continue Reading

Sweeteners to Avoid

Be savvy about harmful and healthful sweeteners. Here’s a list of the three kinds of sweeteners to avoid along with their various brand names. You’ll find details for those to favor at Quality Sweetener Guidelines. Armed with the information below about the “bad” sugars, you can now ignore various marketing claims for “natural” cane sugars and all sugar… Continue Reading

Toxic Cookware and Cutlery

Ceramic Coated and Non-Stick Cookware are Toxic

Ignore the Slick Advertising for Non-Stick A non-stick, synthetic surface on cookware, is less durable than the underlying metal and is therefore reactive and toxic. With use, the coating will pit, scratch and wear off from the pan and into your food.  Don’t be seduced by advertisements for nonstick cookware. And don’t despair; there are safe,… Continue Reading

Mango Sorbet

Cooling and lush this sorbet is easy to make and couldn’t be more healthful. If you’ve got children around, enlist their help. Makes 3 cups. 2 ripe mangos, about 1 ½ pounds 2 tablespoons honey or to taste ¼ cup apple or other fruit juice or water 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice Fresh mint sprigs… Continue Reading

Fruit Kvass

The historic Russian beverage kvass is traditionally made by fermenting rye bread,  and often fruit, into an invigorating and effervescent drink. It’s currently marketed in Russia as a patriotic—and more healthful—soft drink alternative. My version is an ambrosial grain-free nectar that’s oh-so-easy to make. What does it taste like? A tangy blend of sweet and… Continue Reading

Fig Compote

Serves 3 Here’s a delicious dessert or breakfast dish. Simply plump dried figs and then simmer until tender. This dish needs no adder sweetener, but you may dress it up with a dollop of crème fraiche or a grating of nutmeg 6 ounces (1 cup) dried figs, woody stems removed 1 cup apple or orange… Continue Reading

Foods that Reduce Inflammation

Inflamed tissues signal trouble and are a marker for pain and illness. Below is a listing of the top anti-inflammatory foods, along with common sense help to avoid chronic inflammation. But first, to better understand why some foods increase inflammation, let’s examine the nature of inflammation. Recall having a little scratch that became pink and… Continue Reading

Three Reasons to Soak, Sprout and/or Ferment Grains, Beans, Nuts and Seeds

Enhanced flavor is the first of three important reasons to soak grains, beans, nuts and seeds. To further blossom the flavor of these seeds, they can also be fermented or sprouted. In your mind’s eye, mentally compare the full, rich flavors and aromas of fermented sourdough bread to the more simple aroma and flavor profile… Continue Reading

Foods that Help Prevent Diabetes

The good news for people with hypoglycemia, or a pre-diabetic condition, is that specific foods—plus a healthy diet—help stabilize blood sugar. Here’s the tasty way to prevent diabetes. Let’s look at diet first because it’s foundational. To have a couple of “good” foods in an otherwise sloppy diet probably won’t help your condition. But an… Continue Reading

Tasty Wheat Alternatives

Accompanying recipe: Buckwheat Crepes If you are among the fast growing population that is allergic to gluten, don’t despair. Here’s how to enjoy bread, pasta and cookies…albeit, wheat-free. First, identify any problematic foods that trigger your reactions and then avoid eating them while your digestive system repairs. Wheat and dairy are the most common allergens.… Continue Reading

Steamed Millet

Millet, a gluten-free grain, is an underutilized grain worth getting to know. Like rice, its variations are endless. Check out the list below for some ideas, such as the effortless polenta. Make extra and plan to creatively use one pot of millet as the basis for several meals in a row. I say “in a… Continue Reading

Beans & Legumes, Dried

Velvety smooth, well-cooked beans are both delicious and digestible. Hard beans are neither. Here are my secrets—plus a recipe—for cooking up a satisfying pot of soft beans. With these basics there’s bowls of pleasure ahead. If beans are relatively new to your diet or if you have trouble digesting them, start by eating small amounts… Continue Reading

Homemade Almond Butter

Accompanying article: Peanuts Makes about ¾ cup. While almond butter can be made from raw nuts, roasting the nuts just prior to making the butter considerably enhances both flavor and aroma. To roast the almonds, spread them in a thin layer on a baking sheet at 300°F for about 20 minutes. Stir a couple of… Continue Reading

Vegetables — Best Raw or Cooked?

Perhaps you’ve noticed how a little fresh garnish in a soup enlivens the whole bowl, as does the cilantro in this Tai Style Turkey Meatball Soup with Noodles. As we know from experience, both cooked and raw vegetables have their own benefits. Let’s examine them that we might make informed choices. Water-soluble B and C… Continue Reading

Healthy Cookware

One taste of hot tea in a Styrofoam cup and you know you’re drinking more than tea. The cup is reactive. And have you noticed how dried foods stored in plastic bags start to taste like plastic? It’s because food ions react with synthetic or metallic ions. Here are guidelines for choosing—and using—healthful, non-reactive cookware. For a… Continue Reading

Five Daikon Tonics

Here are five great daikon kitchen remedies for  asthma, bronchitis, cold relief, indigestion and weight loss.  The medicinal properties of daikon are impressive. And as you’ll see below, subtle preparation differences create different results. For example, when using daikon juice for asthma add ginger and don’t boil it. But for chronic bronchitis, bring the juice just… Continue Reading

Agar—for Weight Loss and Tasty Desserts

The healthful seaweed agar is used as a gelatin to enhance the flavors of other foods; it has remarkable medicinal properties. If taken as a supplement, it aids weight-reduction as agar’s indigestible fiber absorbs and retains water resulting in a feeling of fullness. This remarkable fiber also soothes the digestive tract and so is medicinal… Continue Reading

Pot Liquor

For the sheer fun of it, please join me for a toast. Let’s pull out the pot liquor (or pot likker), chink-chink our glasses and aspire that all beings might be well nourished. Even teetotalers can freely and joyfully imbibe this liquor. It’s the sweet and nutrient dense liquid that remains in the pot after… Continue Reading

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