Tag Archives: energy tonic

Fruit Kvass

The historic Russian beverage kvass is traditionally made by fermenting rye bread,  and often fruit, into an invigorating and effervescent drink. It’s currently marketed in Russia as a patriotic—and more healthful—soft drink alternative. My version is an ambrosial grain-free nectar that’s oh-so-easy to make. What does it taste like? A tangy blend of sweet and… Continue Reading

Miso — A Delicious and Healing Food

Miso is undeniably the most medicinal soy food. Current scientific research now supports its historical health claims. This delicious food is an effective therapeutic aid in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, certain cancers, radiation sickness and hypertension. Miso soup consumption is linked with up to a 50% reduced risk of breast cancer according… Continue Reading

How to Make Kefir

Considered by many to be the most healthful of fermented foods, effervescent kefir tastes tangy and fresh. How lovely that you’ll make your own as commercially available kefir only approximates the real thing (see my Kefir Article for details). As you work with kefir, you quickly develop a feel for the process and of how it varies… Continue Reading

Traditional Bone Broth (Gelatin)

There’s good reason why a traditional chicken soup is fondly dubbed “grandma’s penicillin.”  A soup, broth or stock made with bones combats the flu by strengthening the immune system. It’s a classic protein-rich energy tonic that increases endurance and provides important nutrients. It’s no wonder that cooks world-wide and through the centuries have regarded silky,… Continue Reading

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