Tag Archives: immune system

Castor Oil Packs—An Effective Home Remedy to Boost Immunity and Reduce Inflammation

How to Make and Use a Castor Oil Pack

Castor Oil Packs—An Effective Home Remedy  A warm castor oil pack is an ancient and effective treatment for a wide variety of health conditions. Applied externally, a pack increases lymphocyte (disease-fighting cell) production and thereby boosts immunity. (1) This aids in more efficient removal of toxins. The oil is derived from the seed of castor… Continue Reading

Medicinal Bone Broth Recipe with Chinese Herbs

When bone broth is made only from bones, you’ve got a medicinal tonic. To further kick up this recipe’s value, add vegetables and potent Chinese medicinal herbs. Of the 13,000 herbs listed in the Chinese pharmacopoeia, here are the top eleven used for bone stock plus a broth recipe. Their invaluable healing properties both sweeten and… Continue Reading

Fermented Turmeric Tea

Medicine from Scratch To enhance turmeric’s medicinal wallop, ferment it. In five minutes of your time (plus two days to ferment), you can create a base for a month’s supply of tasty and healing fermented turmeric tea. Best known for its characteristic bright orange-yellow color and as a signature ingredient in curry, turmeric is the… Continue Reading

Cranberries–A Potent Kitchen Medicine

See The small, dry and intensely tart cranberry is second only to its cousin the blueberry in disease-fighting antioxidants. The remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of cranberries make them an excellent kitchen remedy for arthritic pain and infection. They quell damp conditions and so can help resolve overweight, organ prolapse, food sensitivities, varicose veins, edema, candida-type yeast… Continue Reading

Cold Quell Tea

At the very first sign of a flu or cold here’s a recipe for beating it. Note it’s important to drink this tea within the first 24 hours of onset, for, as my acupuncturist Leslie Shanai, Lic.Ac. writes, “Once the disease has gotten a good foothold ginger tea will no longer be effective. It may… Continue Reading

Bust Bad Food Habits

If you’re ready to tackle your bad food habits, there’s relief at hand. It’s free and takes just a split second. Here’s the assignment: Next time you are reaching for the chips (or chocolate, or pizza, or whatever) imagine taking a snapshot. End of assignment. Put a lot of detail into your mental photo: the… Continue Reading

Hay Fever Free

It’s hay fever season and how many times have you moaned (and sneezed) about that darn pollen! So why is it that your swollen eyelids and other allergic responses get worse every year but the amount of pollen remains constant? While pollen may be the trigger, it’s taking the bum rap for the underlying issue… Continue Reading

Boost Your Immunity: Protect Yourself from Bacteria, Viruses and Other Parasites

Bacteria, Viruses and Other Parasites in Children and Adults If your immune system is challenged, the odds are that you’re harboring more parasites than just bacteria and viruses. Low immunity invites additional parasites including: fungi, yeast, pinworms, tapeworms, flukes, roundworms and/or intestinal parasites. You can get rid of pinworms and their cronies and you can… Continue Reading

What’s Wrong with Wheat?

Nothing’s wrong with wheat or any whole food. That they’ve nurtured countless generations for eons proves their value. Plus, they’re versatile and many of our favorite and most tasty foods contain wheat.  So what’s the fuss? The answer is not about the wheat or another allergen; rather it’s about your digestive system. If you’re not… Continue Reading

Three Reasons to Soak, Sprout and/or Ferment Grains, Beans, Nuts and Seeds

Enhanced flavor is the first of three important reasons to soak grains, beans, nuts and seeds. To further blossom the flavor of these seeds, they can also be fermented or sprouted. In your mind’s eye, mentally compare the full, rich flavors and aromas of fermented sourdough bread to the more simple aroma and flavor profile… Continue Reading

Pickles for Health

Accompanying recipe: Dilled Red Radish, Carrot and Cauliflower Pickles You probably know that quality yogurt and pickles are remarkably healthful fermented foods that aid digestion and strengthen your immune system.  However, not everyone knows that pasteurization strips their superfood ranking by destroying  fragile nutrients such as lactic acid micro-flora.  Therefore, insist on living fermented foods including… Continue Reading

Fermented Foods Strengthen Immune System

Why do some foods like chocolate, wine and cheese taste so delicious? Fermenting magically transforms their original ingredients into something more desirable. Besides upping flavor, some lactic-acid ferments, such as homemade sauerkraut, actually strengthen your immune system. Pickling, brewing and culturing are other terms to describe this process by which friendly enzymes, fungi and bacteria… Continue Reading

Autoimmune Disease

If you suffer from an autoimmune disease, become a sleuth—daily track your flare-ups and remissions. That its intensity waxes and wanes is a key to help you take control of your health. In your daily log include your diet and any other variables that might relate to your condition. Each entry on the log becomes… Continue Reading

Diet for Lupus and Autoimmune Disease

Diet for Lupus and Autoimmune Disease

Lupus is a sobering condition; however, as an original cause was malabsorption, you can profoundly minimize its effects and progression by improving your digestion. This is true for all other autoimmune diseases. When your diet is healing, you rebuild your foundational health and strengthen your immune system. Also see Prevent or Resolve Autoimmune Disease. How… Continue Reading

Ruby Sauerkraut with Caraway

Accompanying article: Fermented Foods Strengthen Immune System Tangy and delicious homemade sauerkraut is a living cultured food that is high in lactic acid., it strengthens your immune system and has other remarkable healing properties. Refrigerated kraut holds well for months and gets sassier as it ages. Iin this easy kraut recipe, I vary the seasonings… Continue Reading

Traditional Bone Broth (Gelatin)

There’s good reason why a traditional chicken soup is fondly dubbed “grandma’s penicillin.”  A soup, broth or stock made with bones combats the flu by strengthening the immune system. It’s a classic protein-rich energy tonic that increases endurance and provides important nutrients. It’s no wonder that cooks world-wide and through the centuries have regarded silky,… Continue Reading

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