Is There a Fix for an Asymmetrical Face?

“I’m self conscious about my asymmetrical face,” reports this 33-year-old man from Assam, India, whom I’ll call Rudra. “What can I do?” Features that are similar in size and placement are considered a classical sign of beauty. An example is eyes that appear to be the same size and shape and that are positioned on the same horizontal plane.  

My answer for Rudra is: Enjoy your asymmetry. Here’s why. There’s nothing symmetrical in nature. Should you see a symmetrical peach, pine tree or face, you’re looking at a plastic peach, a plastic pine or a Barbie doll. Lopsidedness reveals some fascinating information, as you’ll see below.

Can you see this man’s irregular facial features?

How to Read a Face

Let’s take a closer look at Rudra. But first, let’s stop a moment and let ourselves and appreciate him. Let yourself be pulled into Rudra’s eyes until we feel our hearts soften. This gives us a sense of him as a person. It is is an important first step in Face Reading.

All faces have innate beauty, unless their muscles are temporarily distorted by a negative emotion. Rudra is handsome and his gently arched eyebrows suggest that he is kindhearted.  

Now let’s look for his “problem.” I see fairly uniform eyebrows. His eyes and nostrils are, left to right, level with each other, and his mouth is well proportioned. As these key features are balanced, I had to actually pull out my ruler to see the focus of Rudra’s angst.

Perhaps you can find his asymmetry without a ruler? Before reading further, test yourself by taking another close look. Is there a part of his face that from side-to-side or top-to-bottom is disproportioned?

Rudra’s Asymmetry

The right side of Rudra’s face is larger than the left. From his temples to his jaw, the boney structure on the right side of his face is larger. This means there’s more flesh and volume on the right.

According to traditional Chinese Face Reading, the right side of the face reflects the mother’s innate constitution, whereas the left represents that of the father. Indeed, our physical bodies reflect our parents’ energies at the time of conception. 

Yes, age, diet, lifestyle and environment can influence and change our appearance. As we age, flesh looses tone, wrinkles form and the skin’s texture and color change. But the template for our original structure was set at the meeting of that particular sperm and egg.

When the parents’ physical energy is relatively equal and they enjoy good health, their child is apt to have balanced facial features and boney structures. These features will be more symmetrical left to right and top to bottom. 

That Rudra’s face is larger on his right suggests that his mother’s energy and constitution was more expansive, exuberant and yin, while his father’s was more contracted, tighter and yang. As a meld of his two parents’ diverse energies, Rudra has, I believe, a perfect face. I hope that he can value and appreciate that.

Cosmetically Resolve an Asymmetrical Face?

As a Face Reader, I receive sad stories from people who have gone the cosmetic route to alter their appearance. One 42-year-old reported: “I used to like my eyes until I got an eyelid lift. Now when I look in the mirror, it’s like looking at a stranger.”

A 23-year-old woman whose mouth region was reduced to a swath of irritated, rough skin with no definable lip borders lamented, “I had a beautiful mouth with nice, full lips, and so I used some filler for even more milage. Now you can’t even see my lips! They’ve been a mess for over six months. I’m devastated. How can I get my lips back again?”

There are multiple surgeries and procedures that promise a cosmetic fix to asymmetry. While we’re grateful for surgeries for functional corrections, please reconsider making aesthetic corrections. Don’t let yourself be seduced by skewed cultural values of what an ideal appearance should be. Let’s embrace our asymmetry!

Read Your Face Like a Book

Traditional Chinese Face Reading has developed an uncanny and powerful system of correspondences between outward signs and the internal organs. Like one point on a hologram, each facial characteristic contains information about the whole system. For a DIY Face Reading, visit the blogs on this page. Or send your photo and purchase a detailed Face Reading Report.

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Information on is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Rebecca Wood is neither a medical doctor nor a dietician. Use of this presentation does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Note: no single facial indicator (such as wrinkles, discoloration or irregular skin texture) makes a particular diagnosis. is not responsible for the comments, views, or opinions made by site visitors, and the site itself reserves the right to use its own discretion when determining whether or not to remove offensive comments or images. is not responsible for the translation or interpretation of content.

©2023 Rebecca Wood