Itchy Skin and Red Blotches

Dear Rebecca,

Face Reading shows underlying cause of itchy skin.

I’ve got red blotches on my face and itchy ears and it’s been going on for several months. I find that eating sugary things or drinking alcohol intensifies both. But even when I eat well, the blotchiness and itching are still a problem.

Dear Suzie,

Help is at hand, and it’s as near as your dinner plate. Here’s why. Vibrant, clear, uniformly colored skin reflects good inner balance, specifically of your colon. Your facial indicators pointing to colon imbalance include the dark skin on your cheekbones and the puffiness under your lip (see Here’s the practical way that traditional Chinese medicine describes it. (Also see: Under Eye Problems and Larger Lower Lip.)

If you have more toxins than the colon (and their companion organ, the lungs) can gracefully excrete, then the skin heroically takes it, as it were, on the chin. The result is that symptoms as variable as blemishes, eczema, rashes, heat, itchiness, psoriasis, vitiligo, discoloration, and more are “pushed out” or expelled through the skin. The skin serves as an emergency safety valve for maintaining homeostasis. The problem is, if your innards remain off kilter, then your blotches and itchiness become chronic. No fun.

Your itchiness, be it on the ears or elsewhere, might also be compounded by your individual histamine tolerance. For details, see Histamine Sensitivity.

Topical Treatments Fall Short

Ointments can’t get to the root of the problem, so let’s go deeper; and take a look in your fridge. From the diet log you sent to me Suzie, I see that you’re eating a whole foods, mostly dairy-free diet. And yet, as your skin is desperately trying to tell you, some of the ingredients are not right for you.

For starts, I’d eliminate the fake foods like vegan butter and highly processed foods like almond milk. Now take it up a notch and favor freshly prepared whole foods. Deli foods, most restaurant foods and frozen entrees lack energy. And if you are one of those people who needs to be dairy free, that means no more feta. I invite you to follow the guidelines in Metal and Earth Element blogs.  For what to eat, see Clear Up Your Complexion.

If you would like a comprehensive Face Reading, it will be my pleasure to work with you to further detail your specific healing protocol. Good luck, and let us know how you do.

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Information on is intended for educational purposes only and should not be substituted for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider. Rebecca Wood is neither a medical doctor nor a dietician. Use of this presentation does not establish a doctor-patient relationship. Note: no single facial indicator (such as wrinkles, discoloration or irregular skin texture) makes a particular diagnosis. is not responsible for the comments, views, or opinions made by site visitors, and the site itself reserves the right to use its own discretion when determining whether or not to remove offensive comments or images. is not responsible for the translation or interpretation of content.

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